I had good travel and a good show in Wooster Ohio, but I can say without equivocation that it is wonderful to be home again. Spent time with good friends, slept well, ate well on some wonderful Greek food, saw wonderful fibers, purchased a couple of sheep mugs, sold hats and a bunch of other stuff and made it home without being too fatigued.
This hat was needle felted while I was in the booth and wet felted this morning. It is made of merino, with hand dyed tussah silk inlay and a felt flower for garnish. Being able to needle felt a hat while I am in the booth is so good for me. I feel the need to be productive, or sleeping and some days it doesn't matter which, just as long as I am doing one or the other. Needle felting a hat also gives a potential buyer the oppertunity to see the hat in it's stages and serves as a teaching promp for me. I've named this hat:
Winter Royale
I am still catching up on some rest and getting back to the woods to continue my work there. Have some vessel ideas going through my head that I am anxious to try. I'll keep you posted on that.
Oh, before I forget, have you checked out the www.midwestfeltingsymposium.com page yet? Oh is this going to be a great time. Hope you'll be there. I'll write more about it later. It is the high point of my felting year. Once you go, you'll know why. It is so the BEST!
Oh, very good!
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