Saturday, December 19, 2009

DAZE of Rest and Recovery

Seriously, I am still a bit dazed over the whole 10 day show thing. While I am thinking felt, I am not making felt. I think it must be that time when the ideas store up and then will burst forth at some later date. The time now is spent looking for upcoming art shows in early spring, looking at the fiber art show schedule, getting some crocheting done for the pure pleasure of doing it and putting things away from the trip. There is still much of that to get done.

I'll be teaching a lot more this year than last year. The phone has been busy with offers to teach. Classes are filling before I can get them put up on the blog or posted locally. Have a class between Christmas and New Year. Who does that? What was I thinking????

I am putting some items up on ETSY. The one in the photo is one of my favorite hand dyed scarves with random acts of felting all over it. The color alone is great, adding the felt just makes the texture a bit more interesting to me. Listing things take so long for me. But it is a time of taking it easy, so I'll not berate myself for being a slow lister.

There is snow falling, it is quiet in the house, peaceful in my heart. I am so glad that felt happened to me. I love everything about it. I think my favorite moment is when the wool almost become liquid in my hands, just before it becomes felt. It is superb moment for me. Has anyone else experienced that? It is most noticeable when I am making felt beads. Love that feeling!


  1. Love the warm golden colour and also the combination with other colours. The little amount of felt makes the scarf look even more precious.

  2. I have only done one 2 day show and it was very draning...10 days I can't even imagine surviving .

    As to listing...I have a closet full of felt and it's my one year anniversary of touching my first fiber...I still haven't listed an of it on Etsy yet...(I hate listing and mailing items, as it is time taken away from felting .)

    The joy of the alchemy when the fiber become can also experience it when you needle felt and feel the increasing resistance in the fiber as it tightens up...pure bliss .

  3. Ladka and Krex,
    The wonder of wool never ceases to amaze me. The more of it I have around, the happier I am...well, except when it takes over all of our living spaces! I am really going to focus on getting it all used up before I invest in more. Very serious goal for 2010.
