Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Udder Panic!

It's been a busy time here and the house is in utter despair. I keep promising myself that I'll get it taken care of right after(blah, blah, blah)......and some of you know what I mean. I'm at the point where if I get the dishes done, toilets cleaned and the vacuum run, I'm doing good.

There have been many orders, which I am thankful for, but they do take time to fill and ship.

My baby sister had a baby boy this past week. She lives in Boston, so we are in the midst of planning a "Mail Baby Shower" for her. It's taking a lot of coordination and computer time I usually don't spend.

My beloved husband has been sick for several weeks with what started out as a really bad cold. He had about 4-5 days where he started feeling better, then he relapsed and has lost his voice. For most people that might be a small inconvenience, but we run a radio station. He is the voice of the morning, news, weather, live ads, updates and bulletins. This morning he announces that I am doing the news, weather and live commercials. Utter panic! I was able to get through it, but like most folks, I don't like to hear my own voice and especially on the radio! YIKES! I hope his voice comes back very soon....like NOW!

After the orders were packed, I did get to make some pre-felts for some upcoming ideas, and I made this hat yesterday. I have to re-felt the little 'stove pipes", they are firm, but I am planning on putting a dowel up inside of them and felting them to very firm. The locks coming off of the top of each of them is Teeswater. Love how they felt! I am hoping to do a series of these hats. They are just fun to wear! I wore this one of my daily walk a got a bunch of comments. One gal says it looks like udders on a cow, but she liked it. It makes people smile and that makes me smile too. Just a great way to greet the day!

Keep Smiling and make great felt!


  1. I love fun hats, too! See my two attempts: http://woollove-functional-fiberart.blogspot.com/2009/12/weird-hat-number-2.html and http://woollove-functional-fiberart.blogspot.com/2009/12/first-of-two-very-weird-hats.html
    I haven't gotten up the nerve to wear one yet, though!! :)
    Hope your husband is 'in fine voice' again soon!

  2. Heather, I would so wear that hat! It is cool, boy friend or not, it is a very neat hat!
    I need him to be in fine voice. Funny though coming from a woman who loves to talk...who knew it could be such hard work!
    Thanks for sharing your works here with my readers. How very thoughtful of you!

  3. Dear Suzanne, I'm sorry for your husband but I'm pretty sure that your charm and innate sense of humour, which raises from your posts (the cow udder reference is fantastic!!), will make you a star!
    Nice greetings from Italy

  4. Angela,
    I have to give the "Udder" reference to my friend Martha. The post started out as "utter panic" due to the morning radio show, but the hat description took over and Udder became the title. Martha, and you, get my quirky sense of humor. Words are such great fun.
    Husband is speaking in his "inside voice" this morning and back on the air. Thanks God! While I am "on the air" from 6-midnight, it is all pre-recored. I am used to liners, not complete new casts. i hope he keeps his wonderful warm voice for many years.
    Thank you for your comments all.
