Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Midwest Felting Symposium

Unless there is a change of events, I'll not be able to attend the Midwest Felting Symposium--The PREMIER EVENT for feltmakers in North America. I have a scheduling conflict, sadly. The line up this year is spectacular and well worth your time and effort to get there. It is truly the event I look forward to all year. The feltmakers, the gallery, the incredible classes, wonderful vendors...all just fabulous! It's not too late. If you can get there, GET THERE! If you click on the heading of this blog entry, it will take you to the Midwest Felting Symposium website. Go, go.

This hat is a combination hat. One of my students had needle felted several hats with the full intention of wet felting them. Some big changes occurred in her life and she brought them all to me to finish off. I made a few design changes, like a silk cap over the crown and the beading in the flower. For some reason, I have a hard time working in blue. I do not understand it, but clearly recognize it. Navy blue, that's fine, but all of the other blues are very difficult for my mind's eye to see well. Perhaps it is because I do not wear blue. Do you have any colors that give you trouble? This hat was also made with a goodly bit of mohair so it is a fuzzy hat. I'll have to give it a shave before it goes to market. This hat is her third hat. Very nice job for a first timer, don't you think?

Happy Felting and Shalom,

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