Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fab Feltmaking Day with incredible women!

Allison, Megan, Terry, Betty, Heather, Dena, Sue, Christee, Pam, Evelyn, and Chris, shared in a day long event to make felt. These gals were nearly all first timers! I am so impressed with their results, hard work, colors choices and designs. I have so few photos to share because I was more tired then I knew and there were some seriously "shaky" photos taken. In the last photo, you'll see that Terry got dye all over her. I don't know why that color bled out, but it did. Still, she has a brilliantly colored bag. (I covet that bag. The color is yummy to me!)
I am so proud of their hard work and accomplishments. I hope they are too!


  1. really beautiful bags, I like the pink one ;-))

  2. These girla are very talented. For me nearest also that pink one!

  3. Suzanne, I am having a drawing for one of my lace dresses. Let me know by Fri., Aug. 13. Love your bags, fantastic!!!

  4. Some lovely things been made! Looks like everyone had a good time!

  5. I too think the bags are wonderful, beautiful and really nice work for firs timers! I expect to see some really lovely things coming form them soon. I was exhausted after the class and am still in recovery mode!
    Thank you all for the encouragement you gave these gals!

  6. Thanks guys! (Mine's the pink bag) :D I had so much fun, it's always a pleasure to learn from Suzanne, she's an amazing teacher. Everyone's bags were great!

  7. Ms. Allison,
    You are an incredible student and always a joy to be with. Thanks for all your help!

  8. muy lindos todos los trabajos, felicitaciones!!!
