Monday, November 29, 2010

TA-DA, Jami's Bag is done!

Okay, these are the final photos of the bag for my niece. The leather straps were custom made for the bag. I think they are the "saving grace" on the bag. Tomorrow, it gets sent to Jami. I hope she likes it.
There, one less thing that "has to be done". Yeah, I love it when that list gets smaller.

I'd like to have you go take a peek at another blog I've come to enjoy more and more. Her work is feminine, delicate and lovely. Let me know what you think, okay?
What are your favorite blogs and why?


  1. Suzanne---This bag rocks!! You're right...the straps really make the bag look professional and finished! I love the shimmery silk effects on the bag, too!

  2. Heather,
    Thanks you Sweetie. The straps were sooooo needed. I too love the silk fabric on the bag. The different effects are from different mm of the silk fabrics that I used. Some look muted, some, not so much. The crinkle is different on the silks as well.

  3. Your bag is absolutely beautiful, and if she doesn't like it send it my way. What did you use for that beautiful background brown? Congrats and many hugs

  4. Cameron, you're so funny! Okay, if she doesn't like it, I'll let you know first.
    Hugs right back to you!
