Thursday, January 6, 2011

Can you come to the Winter Retreat in Ashville, NC ?
Lisa Mackey is holding a Winter Retreat in Ashville, NC the 14th, 15th and 16th of this month in Ashville, NC. The details are on the link that I've posted. Will you be able to come? Would you like to? There are some great teachers there, Chad Alice Hagen to start with. We will be in a mall! How neat is that? I think it should be a very interesting venue.

Jone Rakoski and I will be traveling together to be at the show. We've already made plans to have dinner with Chad. I am looking forward to that, just wish some of her genius would rub off on me. I wonder if she'll mind if I sit really close to her so our shoulders are touching? (You're right , that would be inappropriate. I'll try to behave myself!) Anyway, if you are in the area, or looking for a fiber road trip, please think about coming to this event. I think it is going to be wonderful! For spinners, I'll have my "Bling Batts" Jone will have wonderfully dyed prefelts, her incredible felts, and I'll be bring a few hats. ( I only have a few and didn't know about this show until two weeks ago..Yikes, no time to get much done!)

These are three of the nuno felts that I'll have at the show. I put the photo up on Facebook and got a bunch of questions off and on the thread. I've been asked about the type of silk I am using and how I get the intense crinkle effect. For the purpose of brevity, I am going to re-post here what I wrote there. Hope you don't mind.

Here it is:
These three were done on silk gauze. I roll them a lot, maybe more than most. I roll in each direction, on both sides 500 times, by actual count. Then I may roll again another 200 hundred times if I want it a bit tighter. It also gets "slapped" on the table top about 200 times. Then I will toss it in the dryer on AIR ONLY until I get the texture that I'm looking for. I also do this with the habotai silk, except the initial rolling gets bumped to 1000 times each way on both sides. Added note, I use cold water through the entire process.

Well, I've got lots to get done before we leave and am starting to get excited about the trip. What's not too exciting, is that we are to get 17 inches of snow over the next few days, right when I'm packing the trailer! Snow is so beautiful...shoveling it is not.

I'm wishing you all wonderful felty moments.


  1. Ohhhhh, I would so love to go if it weren't quite so far! Looks like there's going to be a lot of great classes and vendors. Good luck!

  2. How fun this would be to join in!!! I will forward this to some folks in your area that felt!!

  3. Oh it sounds so exciting! Swing down past my place on your way down. I'm in SE Ohio:)

  4. Suzanne- it was wonderful seeing you again and meeting Jone. You had a delicious booth. Looking forward to seeing you at Jone's in September; until then I'm spending every minute teaching and getting my website up (launched today!).
