Sunday, April 17, 2011

4 Days of WOW...

I've just come home from 4 incredible days with Jone Rakoski and Pam MacGregor at Pam's studio in Ohio. I am overwhelmed with the information shared. We did things like Goodwill shopping, looking at hardware, going out to lunch, going to garage sales, hypnotizing chickens, talking late into the night, and felting. There is no way I can share all of it---this entry would be a book, but I can share some.

In the first photo there are several items that might be of interest. The green scarf and book Pam gave to me, as well as "Bad Girls of the Bible", a battery operated dremmel and sea shells. I've long loved Pam's books made of felt. This one is made of some of the hand dyed merino silk that I'd given to Pam last spring. The scarf we did some discharge on to our happy delight.

Jone laughs at me because I drink instant moves fast around here, so it's become convenient for me. She picked up this two cup coffee maker, some coffee, sweet sticks with lavender, and made the soda cover. I'm drinking "fresh ground coffee" as I write this. YES! She would be so proud of me...and that way I'll have it available when she is here.

Being with other felt makers is joyous. Being with these two incredible felt makers was fantastically joyous. I nearly cried when I left. It was I was filled to over flowing.

Are there those people in your life who fill you up? I hope so!

Happy Felting and Good Sabbath,


  1. sounds like you girls had a great time!! Pam is truly wonderful and such fun to go and stay there isn't it!! loved the pics! thnx for sharing!

  2. Congrats on the wonderful trip and the new Coffee Press.

  3. Sounds absolutely marvelous; having people who fiol you up and who you can share fun and creative times with-a treasure!

  4. I LOVE Pam MacGregor's felted teapots - it must have been amazing to work with her!

  5. It is easy to picture the intense fun you all had! Thanks for sharing a few tid bits Suzanne!

  6. Sounds like you had an absolutely amazing time with Jone and Pam and I am SO glad that you are giving fresh coffee another try! No matter how little time I have instant coffee is never an option!!! X

  7. I'm jealous...a mid-year mini CFG!!
    I know you all had a wonderful and creative time together and I look forward to our '2nd annual' in a few months' time!
    A friend that I met in my first felting class (a needle-felting class, if you can believe it!) 2 years ago is coming from Tenn for the Maryland S&W. Should we look for you?

  8. Heather, I've had two offers to go to MS$W, but just need to stay home and get some stuff made. I'm so far behind, still only one hat to my name...I'm only about 60 behind! I'll see you at the Gathering! It's going to be soooo much fun!
