Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wrapped in Felt

For several months now I've wanted to make a wrap out of the prefelts that I've acquired from Jone Rakoski. With "Spring busting out all over" it doesn't seem like the right time to make the wrap, but when it calls to me, I have a hard time ignoring it. This is one that was dyed in olive greens, and while I adore that color a lot, I decided that I wanted some plumb overtones on the prefelt. It was dyed it in purple/plumb to give it some lovely hues of all of the colors. The silk was applied for contrast and movement and visual stimulation.

Working with prefelts (merino) usually provides at least a 30% shrinkage. I really didn't want to lose even that much of the width in the process. Before I started felting it, it was stretched in all directions and throughout the entire process, I continued to stretched it more than I normally would do. The drape turned out lovely. It is about 9 ounces of complete comfort.

The fiber from Bahr Creek Llama Studio came in on Thursday. I've got to do some experimenting with it before I teach the classes using their fiber. For the hat and nuno classes we will be using merino top, but for the bird pods, we will be using raw llama fibers. They have a colorful herd of 30 llamas. I've got to perfect it before I teach it. It is a different hand to llama and alpaca than to wool. Stepping out of my comfort zone...hope I don't stumble too much!

Some have questioned me about the lichen photos...will I translate to felt? It is a hope that I will. I've got some to bring them to fruition. So many ideas, so little time and so little of me. I fatigue more easily now, so it all takes me a bit longer these days. Still, felt is patient with me and I with it. We will get there.

Side note to the felt coffins is this blog spot:

About 7 years ago my husband sent the link to me at my shop. I thought the ingenuity was spectacular, the thought, comforting. A body wrapped, rather than boxed, just sounds more loving to me. We wrap precious things, babies, gifts, heirlooms, fragile things, things we love. I like the idea of wrapping the remains of someone loved.

"Dust you are, and dust you shall return"

Just seems to make the whole process more natural.

Pam MacGregor said she thought of putting her ashes in a cement ball, having it dropped to the ocean to start a new coral reef. How cool is that!

On a happier's the weekend! I hope yours is filled with good things that inspire you, family and friends, and renewed wonder in the Creation God has given to us.
Shalom and Good Sabbath,


  1. Maybe I'll bring it with me when we get together. You'll love it more in person Char. It is wonderfully soft and warm...perfect for spring evening walks, don't you think?

  2. I did some experimenting with wool and alpaca and found they worked much better when sandwhiched between even very thin layer of Shetland, merino or other fast felting material . The end result is hairy and organic with a cushion texture and I think your birds would like it as much as my cats for their "cat-mat".

  3. Krex, that's just what I wanted to hear! I am so looking for a organic feel on the birdpods. I'll heed the advise and try it out!
    Thanks so much,
    Peace to you,

  4. My mother's ashes were buried in a felt pouch my sister Polly made. I only regret we never took a photo of it.

  5. LOVE THIS! beautiful work your very talented :)
