Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Since being on Facebook, there is a wide exchange of fiber art photos that get shared. Some folks share their travels to fiber art shows, some share their teaching, their workshops, the participant in the workshops, the finished goods, the foods they eat, the sky they share, flowers and things that inspired them. It is just great fun to see the things that others are doing.

there are some folks that ROCK MY FIBER WORLD, and now I've just added another to my list: Vyga Iene. Her work leaves me breathless! I've asked her permission to showcase this wrap. I've looked at it about 30 times today! I love how well executed the process has been implemented, but the colors are simple, understated, elegant, oh yea, and so my colors! I adore this wrap. If you are on FB, do take the time to let her know your thoughts. This is her website: Is this beautiful or what?

Who rocks your fiber world?

This is a wrap I've been working on with hand-dyed silk and super fine merino wool. I'm liking it a lot, but my arms are sore from two days of rolling nuno scarves. I know, I could use the sander, but I am unhappy with the nerve damage from the sanders. Using my legs a bit more these days. Getting older is not, NOT easy...but you do get more inventive about getting things done.

It acted like it wanted to rain all day today, heavy clouds, overcast, high humidity, cool ...oh, I love days like these. We didn't get much rain, but any day without lots of heat is a great day. I had a wonderful day! You?



  1. I also kept viewing the gorgeous wrap. It's funny that you labeled your post Breathless because my word for the wrap was Breathtaking.

    The colors you chose are amazing. I can't wait to see your creations in person. It's hard to believe that Fiber Fest is around the corner.

    We have had some beautiful weather. I've enjoyed getting caught up out in the Alpaca barn and sorting fleeces so I can process them.

    Enjoy the beautiful day...loving this cooler weather.

  2. Oh my! Checked out her website and I'm so impressed with her style! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow is that amazing...If only I were that talented!

  4. Thanks for your notes here. I plan to let her know what you've all written.

  5. your scarf looks your wonderfully rich colors .
