Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's toooooo hot!
is where I'm heading off to in a few short hours. I just returned from beautiful Asheville, NC and home just long enough to catch my breath, do a bit of dyeing, unpack and re-pack the van, do laundry, answer a few emails, pack orders, pay bills, all while under incredible heat indexes. I can not function well in this heat, so I keep ice packs on my person at all times. We do not have central air, only a small window air conditioner. It at least dries it out...or so that's what I am suppose to say, right?

Sold most of my nuno while in Asheville, so I am heading off to Castle Farm with very little other than newly dyed silks. I have one I am working on, but that may be more than I can accomplish right now. The air conditioner is keep the house at 88 degrees. Can you tell the heat is bothering me?

I leave you with these photos of the newly dyed silks. I am getting requests to teach a nuno class in October. Are you interests? If so, I need to hear from you so that I can finalize the dates.

Shalom and good felting!



  1. Where do you get those graphics? Just wondering. They look so gorgeous!

  2. Ooh, a nuno class in October. That might be a nice birthday present to myself. Keep me posted!

    And the heat was horrible. I hope its return is brief.
