Friday, March 30, 2012

Scoring BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I 'met" Gillian Hunt of FB and fell in love with her incredible photography...the two nature photos. Gillian has agreed to trade these to photos for one of my hats...made especially for her. I am beyond DELIGHTED! I've wanted some of her art for some time, now that will happen. Happy dance all over the place!!!!! Her incredible photos will go in my green guest room. I may start a Gillian Hunt wall! I think these photos will look wonderful in the green guestroom.

The hat that Gillian wants is like the turquoise tam with the hand dyed silk, only done in purples and pinks. I am looking forward to making the hat for her...and trying to make it as special as I think her photos are. I'll try to rememeber to post it here when get it done.

This great moment in the sky happened as I was leaving my friends home a few weeks ago. the whole sky was a series of different clouds, light and shadow play...hard to take your eyes off it. I shot the cloud here from my cell phone. Wish I had had a really good camera on me. I love this photo of the reminded me of being 8 years old and watching the clouds in new mowed grass. It was a great moment to capture and I was very happy to have my cell on me with enough charge to allow the camera to work.

This is one of the hats that I was able to complete this week. First photo is of it before felting, the second is finished. I may have to cut the resist down a bit. I used a synthetic organza on the surface. Love the texture it created!

Off to bed. Are you making felt? What are you making?

Shalom and make Happy Felt!



  1. What a wonderful trade and connection! Lovely posting, Suzanne. xoxo

  2. Gorgeous photography!
    A total win/win for two exceptional artists!

    I love the before felt photo of the second hat. It's always amazing to see the before and after photos.

    If all goes good, I am supposed to felt with Jone tomorrow and see how she works with her pre-felts.

    I saw your list of classes for the Michigan Fiber Festival. You have a great choices for students to chose from.

  3. Andrea, you'll have so much fun with Jone. Wonderful teacher and artist. Be prepared to be overwhelmed with all of her creations. She is a ferocious felt maker with lots of style! Have fun!

  4. Wonderful sky pic, and I too loved the before and after photos...good turned out wonderfully with the cut out flower pattern..I haven't used synthetic organza but will try it now...thanks

  5. Wonderful sky pic, and I too loved the before and after photos...good turned out wonderfully with the cut out flower pattern..I haven't used synthetic organza but will try it now...thanks

  6. cedar, try it, I think you'll love it. It brings an iridescence that is a nice contrast to the flat mat of wool.
    Would love to see your results!
