I've been away to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. on the last day of the show, Susan McFarland had a lamb, who found himself a nice corner to take a nap in. It was in the loom that we had under a table. How precious he looks taking a sleep in the midst of the clamor of a fiber festival.
The other photos here seem to be unrelated to a fiber event, and perhaps they are. My friend Donna and I drove back and took some side trips on the way home. One was to a cover bridge, it was a short distance off the the plotted path.
The other side trip that we took was planned. We wanted to stop
at the Flight 93 Memorial. We'd seen the signs for it the year before and made it a point of destination on our drive home. It was about 8 miles off of the Lincoln Hwy, Hwy 30. I was unprepared for my reaction once we got there. I could not stop weeping, nor could Donna. We could not even speak. I took a ton of photos to be able to share with my husband, but only a few are here. The gal who was there in the information booth said that they get 5000 + visitors a week, still.
The wall with the shirts, flags, hats, etc has to be cleared once a month from the things that people leave there. They are all being archived, number, preserved, and will go into the memorial once it is completed. There was much construction going on all around us, still there was an incredible, audible symphony of silent tears. I cannot help but wonder what I would have chosen were I a passenger on Flight 93.
They chose us...They chose us.