Saturday, August 14, 2010

Eva Cassidy/Fields of Gold/Nuno Felt

Some time ago I was listening to some stuff on You Tube and found Eva Cassidy, quite by accident. I was shocked, amazed, tear filled, awestruck by her amazing voice. I listened to everything I could find. What a gift in her voice, her delivery, her soft strength. I went on to do some research on her, only to find that she died some time ago from melanoma. It appears that the UK is well aware of her, though USA born. They made her a household name, then her fame filtered back to us here in the states. If you have the time and inclination, do take a listen.

The nuno here is in honor of Fields Of Gold, no matter who sings it. I'd love say that I shibori dyed the silk, but for those of you who follow, you know I just twisted, knotted, tied and twisted some more to get the effect on the silk. I used hand dyed 50/50 merino silk along with some hand dyed mohair locks and hand dyed tencel. It is a very large shawl. Though I don't sew a stitch, it makes me want a dress of this fabric. It is YUMMY!

We are having phenomenal heat and humidity. I continue to pray for an early, long, soft autumn, temperatures in the 70's again. Naturally, I want it right now. The Michigan Fiber Festival starts next week Wednesday. I'll be teaching the Needle to Wet Felt Hat and Let's Just Bag It there. One is on Wednesday, the other on Thrusday. I think there is still a spot of two open in the bag glass if you are interested. I'd really like the heat to cease for the festival. It is 5 days of hard work, hugs, booth set up and tear down. Ok, maybe the heat won't stop, but will you at least join me in praying for a very nice breeze?

Don't expect much for the next week or so, gotta finish getting ready for festival, houseful of Sabbath guests and of course, delicious rest.

Shalom and happy felting!


Charlotte said...

I am pleased that you have discovered Eva Cassidy! My favourite of her songs is 'Songbird'.Such a shame that she died so young though! I remember one day I was in a cafe or somewhere and Fields of Gold came on, and I overheard a woman sat near me that she preferred the Sting version! How can that be?!!!!
Each to thier own I suppose!
I hope you get some relief from the hot weather - can you send some over to Englnad please?!! - and that you get a nice breeze! Good luck!

monique said...

it's a very nice song indeed,i love the scave you have made.
I hope you'll have a fine time next week at the festival!

Anonymous said...

I love Eva Cassidy. Thanks for reminding me of her. I also love your nuno. Have a great week at the festival and I will throw in some prayers for a breeze!

Barbara Marr said...

Lovely nuno, that would instill confidence just wearing it.

Hooked On Felt said...

Charlotte, I found that Sting actually approves her version. It's the only one he has ever done. How cool is that?

Monique, the weather is cooling, if only a bit. Today is particularly stunning with a wonderful breeze and low humidity. What a blessing! Festival is getting here too fast!

Suzanne, you are a doll. Keep the prayers coming!

Barb, how lovely of you to say so. It is bold, isn't it? Is it too much so?