Saturday, February 28, 2009

Good Day Hat!

I have a ton of merino silk about the place and decided to give it some play time. I usually only use it on my felt flowers, but thought this hat might looks nice with that fiber combination. Three colors of green were used in this hat and one color of purple that repeated itself at the top and the bottom. I quite like the weight and the texture and may have to use the merino silk more often. The hat is light weight and has an exquisite feel to it, and then here is that lovely sheen from the silk.
I should have been doing a bunch of cleaning yesterday, but making felt brought more comfort. This is my good day hat. However, today, I do have to clean.

3 comments: said...

i love this colors!!!!
wonderful fibres.

Anonymous said...

Very, very nice!

Hooked On Felt said...

I love working with merino silk. It felts so nicely and the sheen on the end product is wonderful. Thanks for your comments.