Friday, February 8, 2008

Splendor in the Snow or the Post Groundhog day fatigue!

It must be the joy of friends being together, or the bitter, wet cold of Michigan in Feb. or the lack of sunshine, but this time with Chris is moving fast, inspiring much, and making me a bit punchy… uncommon for me. Admittedly, I am fatigued, but I am teaching to a very bright woman who naturally asks intelligent questions. Sometimes my brain is just tired I think. Nonetheless, I am having a wonderful time, though the time is passing fast.

Since I tend to enjoy working alone, I’ve been getting up at between 4-5 AM to get some work done while Chris sleeps I’ve been dyeing some wool and DK weight yarns with wonderful results. I think that these yarns are going to be named after some of the lovely places in Michigan, or places I hope to see. Nearly every time I am playing in the dye pot, I wonder about how much fun God must have had giving color to the whole of creation.

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