Ya-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo! I am going to the Spinning Retreat! Yeah! (Can you tell I am looking forward to it) I'll be a vendor there, but may spend most of my time felting. I'll always be a "beginning spinner". While I love the process, the rhythmic motion, the end result, the tactile experience, the whole of it, I am still most passionate about felting...and do not tire of it at all. Since I don't knit, spinning for me is just spinning for the sake of spinning, and selling the yarns. When I make felt, something happens inside of me that is akin to achieving "perfect pitch". (If you've heard me sing,you'd know that would be a miracle!) I love making felt!
I have stuff to get ready for at Symposium (see previous postings on Symposium) and this will be my opportunity to get it done. I'll have help. Eugenie will be there; she is a great felter. I'll need much of her help to get this done. My shoulders are killing me! Just when I feel like I've made progress, I do too much, and am out of the activity mode for a week or more. This is so getting old....come to think of it, so am I!
Anyway, here is the scoop on the upcoming event. Wouldn't it be great if you were one of the 50 people there. When you're with Susan, you're having a great time!
Susan's Spinning Retreat
March 28-29-30
Fulling exotic fibers - Buffalo and more
Bead yarns
Share Ideas
Navajo three ply bead yarns.
Shibetti Dyeing - Betty Shober is developing a new way to dye your hand spun. Bring a skein to dye. Or you can dye a 4 oz batch of white roving. $5.
Navajo Three ply
Sirrit rug making techniques
raided Rug using roving(shepherd rug) Friday make the roving rug-Sat wash and felt the rug.
Why have muddy multi dyed roving when you spin learn how to spin to eliminate getting mud.
Beginning knitting techniques. Bring some handspun and learn to knit.
Come to Susan's and see new lambs.
Pease register and let me know if you are spinner who can help a newbie. We wish to do team help.Advanced spinner to take a newer spinner to help them if they need it.
Now you know how to spin. What do you do with the yarn. Learn to do knitting with your hand spun.
Try your hand at drop spindles.
Come meet new spinners. Spin till you drop.
A weekend of delightful spinning fun.
Work with others to learn to spin better you will be given a buddy helper if you are new to spinning and want the help.
You must bring your sense of humor to come to the retreat we do alot of laughing.
Registration starts 9:am each day. Classes start 10:30 am. ends ?
Columbus Super 8 Hotel
Reserve your room now call 1-920-623-8800 Rooms around $70. You can share with someone.
Join us sign up today.
$40.Come by for the day only for $20. Share an idea about spinning and save $10 on the retreat total $30.
Drop in and visit $10 (Ten Min to three hours).
Vendors $40 plus $40 for the retreat total $80 to come and vendor and attend.
Please call and let me know you are coming to the retreat or 920-623-4237 e-mail susan@susansfibershop.com
This was all taken right from Susan website. Go there, sign up, come have fun!